Tonight, I'm hoping to test out this adapter in Linux. It's a two-port PS2 to PC USB adapter manufactured by the company, Hyperkin, It reportedly only works for Windows based PCs. But, if I could be shown it works for Linux, and works well, then I might put it on my so-called recommended items for Linux list (such a list doesn't exist yet, but I suppose it will in time.
Right now, I"m thinking of testing it in the following scenarios with a wired PS2 controller, a wireless PS2 controller (through the included receiver for the SX-3 Controller made by Tomee; then with both items connected to it.
I should have the review ready by tonight, or tomorrow - at the latest. The games I'll be testing it with are: Super Tux Kart Racer; NBA 2k11, and MLB 2K10 under WINE.
Wish me luck!
Update; I'll definitely pick up the adapter tonight! Sorry for nothing here in this department, yet.